The Influencing of Corporate Governance, Disclosures Quality, Dividend Policy and Earning Management on Information Asymmetry in Covid-19 Crisis
data asymmetry, corporate governance, disclosure quality, dividend policy, profit managementAbstract
The research endeavors to investigate the impact of effective corporate governance, disclosure quality, dividend payment policies, and profit management on data asymmetry amid the COVID-19 crisis. Its objective is to scrutinize and elucidate the determinants influencing data asymmetry within the medical services sector of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The aim is twofold: firstly, to anticipate the emergence of data asymmetry during the COVID-19 pandemic; secondly, to ascertain the continued efficacy of data asymmetry assessments given the evolving circumstances. Demographic data were compiled from pertinent associations within the medical services industry, focusing on 22 businesses listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, totaling 66 organizations, over the accounting period spanning from 2019 to 2021. The study employed statistical models and assessments of data asymmetry, building upon prior research conducted by Sincharoonsak and Kornlert (2022). The evaluation aimed to determine the predictive accuracy of the model in forecasting outcomes and assessing the asymmetry of the gathered data amidst the COVID-19 anomaly. Notably, the predictive model exhibited a direct influence confidence level of 79.30%, surpassing previous research, which yielded a combined confidence level for both direct and indirect influences at 32%. These findings underscore the predictive model's capacity to anticipate data asymmetry even amid the COVID-19 crisis.
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