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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

NIDA Business Journal welcomes both Thai and English articles.

Online publishing twice a year, first issue in during December-May and second issue in during June - November

The NIDA Business Journal (NBJ) will accept academic and research papers written in English and Thai in any field related to business administration. The scope encompasses an original research study relating to the general business, management, and accounting fields; the management of technology and innovation fields; the marketing, strategy, and management fields; and the general economics, econometrics, and finance fields. Book and article reviews are published at the editor’s invitation or discretion.

This journal is strictly committed to upholding research and publication ethics. The journal may be reviewed by the editorial board and readers (at least 3 from internal and external) and may use software to screen for plagiarism. The editorial board’s decision upon the acceptance of the article shall be final. 

A manuscript's submission has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication anywhere else. The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the journal guidelines. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

Template NIDA Business Journal

The submitted research article must contain the followings: 

  • Introduction (Contains research problem, objectives, and literature review) 
  • Research methodology 
  • Research results 
  • Conclusion and Discussion 
  • References 

The article must include the following components: 

  • Title must include both Thai and English. 
  • Author(s) designate the name and surname of the author(s), both Thai and English, without titles, qualifications. 
  • Abstract must include both Thai and English (3 to 5 keywords for indexing purposes.) 
  • Keywords must include both Thai and English (150-250 words) 
  • Author Affiliation and advisor as a co-author, must include in Footnote using (*) before each affiliation. For advisor (as a co-author) must affiliate academic title, qualification (if any), and organization 

Manuscript is to have a maximum length of 25 pages, printed in A4 paper. The page setting is to be 1.2 inch for the top and the left and 1 inch for the bottom and the right with on single side, set for single space, using 16 point of TH SarabunPSK for both Thai article and English article. Submission must be via online application only. 

Create a bibliography, in-text citations and a title page in APA7th edition (American Psychological Association) format.

คู่มืออ้างอิง APA7th_NBJ NIDA


Author. (Year). Title (Edition if applicable). Publisher.

Nunnally, J. C., & Bernstein, I. H. (1994). Psychometric theory (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Journal Articles

Author. (Year). Title of article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), page numbers. (if available)

Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring brand equity across products and markets. California Management Review, 38(3), 102–120.

Website/Electronic Sources

Author. (Year). Title. Website Name. URL

Kemp, S. (2021, March 29). Digital 2021: Thailand. DataReportal.

Dissertations or Thesis

Author. (Year). Title of dissertation or thesis (Publication Number if available) [Doctoral dissertation or Master's thesis, University]. Database or URL (if applicable)

Kitiyanan, S. (2009). Employee engagement of Sports Authority of Thailand [Doctoral dissertation, Siam University].

Conference Papers

Author. (Year). Title of article. In Editor(s) (if applicable), Title of conference proceedings (pp. xx–xx). Publisher.

Changso, A., & Tonthapthimthong, N. (2021). The satisfaction on marketing factors of Thai tourists towards the tourism on Nakha Sub-district, Mueang District, Udonthani. In Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (pp. 847–855). Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.

Thai References (Translated Thai References)

For Thai-language references, the title must be Romanized and translated into English, enclosed in square brackets [ ], with a note indicating (In Thai) at the end.

Important: The title must follow the Romanization system for Thai script. You can use the NECTEC Transliteration Tool (NECTEC Transliteration).

Wachirayanwaroros, Krom Phraya Somdej Phra Mahasamanachao. (1922). Tamnan Wat Bowonniwet [The legend of Wat Bowonniwes]. Sophonpipatthanakorn. (In Thai)

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned guidelines and is not obliged to publish all submissions whatsoever.

Rate of Article Publication fees

(This announcement is effective from August 3, 2021 onwards.)

  • Submission fee amount 1,000 THB (The article must undergo an initial screening and evaluation by the editorial team, following the guidelines for preparing the manuscript. This evaluation assesses its suitability based on the journal's quality criteria. Afterward, the editorial team will inform the authors to transfer the article publication fee. The editorial team will issue a receipt once they have received confirmation of the successful transfer of funds.)
  • Publication fee amount 2,000 THB (Authors are required to pay the article publication fee within 7 days from the date of acceptance of their article for publication by the journal. If the authors fail to make the payment within the stipulated time frame, the journal reserves the right to withhold the publication of the submitted and successful payment.)


      1. The journal will not refund the publication fee to authors under any circumstances, including cases where the article is rejected for publication by the editorial team or qualified reviewers.

      2. In the case that the author is a staff or student of the National Institute of Development Administration, they may be exempt from article submission fees and publication fees.


Please make a payment to Bangkok Bank; 

Account Name: NIDA Business Journal 

Account Number: 944-019181-6

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.