A SECI Model-Based Instruction System for Teaching English to High School Students of The Phrapariyattidham School General Education Section, Group One
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This research and development aims to 1) study the current situation and needs for developing English of high school students of the Phrapariyattidham School general education section, Group One, 2) design and develop an English learning management model by applying a SECI model based instruction system, 3) evaluate the effectiveness of applying a SECI model based instruction system by studying academic achievement before and after implementation and studying the attitudes toward applying a SECI model. The instruments used are interviews, questionnaires, knowledge management learning plans (KM), learning logs, observation logs, and achievement tests. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, including statistics used in testing dependent sample t-tests and content analysis.
Results were shown as follows:
1. The current conditions and needs of students regarding English language development by applying an SECI model. It was found that the overall average was 4.18, which was high. The item with the highest average was item no.5. Students' English language development needs, (¯x = 3.77, S.D. = 0.49). The lowest level was no. 2. Issue learning English, (¯x = 3.48, S.D. = 0.52).
2. The evaluation of the appropriate and consistent model, it was found that the overall average was 4.54, which was a very satisfied level. The item with the highest average was item no. 1. The corresponding relationship of each element of the model, and item no. 2. The learning process according to the model has consecutive steps, (¯x = 5.00, S.D. = 0.00). The lowest level was no. 7. The model is consistent with the objectives for improving English, and item no. 8. Knowledge management principles are consistent with the objectives of the model, (¯x = 4.20, S.D. = 0.83), respectively.
3. The effectiveness of applying a SECI model-based instruction system for teaching English to high school students of the Phrapariyattidham School general education section, Group One. It is found that the pupils who have the score post-test of using the model of a SECI model-based instruction system for teaching English, (¯x = 32.40, S.D. = 2.84) are higher than the pre-test of the score pre-test of using the model of a SECI model-based instruction system for teaching English. (¯x = 24.60, S.D. = 3.90) as statistically significant at 0.1. It is found that the students' attitudes towards learning management by applying a SECI model-based instruction system for teaching English to high school students. The average score was 4.37, which is an excellent level. The highest average score was the benefits received (¯x = 4.72, S.D. = 0.42), the lowest average score was the process of organizing learning activities (¯x = 4.43, S.D. = 0.72), respectively.
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