An Analysis of the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Purchasing Behavior in the Digital Age

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Karnlapin Rodjanagosol


This academic paper aims to analyze the impact of social media marketing on consumer purchasing behavior by employing frameworks from digital marketing theories and consumer decision-making models. Key factors influencing consumer decisions are examined, including the credibility of influencers, ease of access to information, and user-generated reviews. Findings indicate that social media facilitates access to relevant information and strengthens meaningful consumer-brand relationships, enhancing purchasing decisions and long-term brand loyalty. Consequently, social media marketing proves to be a vital determinant of consumer behavior in the digital age.

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How to Cite
Rodjanagosol, K. (2024). An Analysis of the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Purchasing Behavior in the Digital Age. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning (Online), 5(3), 01–16. Retrieved from


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