Enhancement the Model Ability Solar System and Moon Appearance of Grade 4 Students through MIS model supplemented with Representatives

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Chanchira Choomponla
Rutchut Nutthee
Worawat Tipchoi


This research aimed to study and compare the model ability solar system and moon appearance of grade 4 students through MIS model supplemented with representatives. The sample of this sample group of 1 classroom with 30 students was obtained through cluster sampling from a population consisting of 2 classrooms with a total of 65 students in a medium-sized primary school under Udon thani Primary Education Service Area Office 3 in the second semester of academic year 2022. This research has an experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest design. The research employed the following research tools; 5 lesson plans of MIS model supplemented with representatives and modeling ability test of solar system and moon appearance of grade 4 students. The statistical data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and percentage to comparing the mean scores before and after learning by t-test for dependent sample. The research findings indicate that students' modeling abilities after learning ( = 11.57 / 72.29%) were higher compared to before learning ( = 0.80 / 5.00%). Therefore, this instructional activity has led to students' learning, self-generated knowledge construction, and enjoyment in science learning, which in turn resulted in improved abilities in modeling, better understanding of science, and a positive attitude towards science learning.

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How to Cite
Choomponla, C. ., Nutthee , R. ., & Tipchoi, W. . (2023). Enhancement the Model Ability Solar System and Moon Appearance of Grade 4 Students through MIS model supplemented with Representatives. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning (Online), 4(3), 25–32. retrieved from https://so10.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jote/article/view/1014
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