A Construct Validation of Organizational Fairness


  • Kullaya Uppapong Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University.
  • Kingdao Jindatewin Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University.
  • Chanikarn Atchavanan Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University.
  • Sarana Photchanachan Academic Independence


Organizational fairness, Construct validation, Fairness, Confirmatory factor analysis, CFA


The objective of this study aimed to investigate the theoretical dimensionality of organizational fairness and to test construct validity of a fairness measurement. The construct of organizational fairness measurement will help managers to understand and manage employee relationship in a better way. The researchers were using maximum likelihood estimation method on AMOS 22.0 software to assess the construct validity of the measures and to determine whether the items actually reflected the construct. The results showed five completion models of organizational fairness. The model was re-estimated and re-analyzed to check the improvement in the model after every deletion of the items. The final step had deleted seven items from the model. Therefore, there were the 13 items that confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported a four factor structure to the measure, with distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational fairness. The researchers also contributed to the academic discourse on the construct of organizational fairness and provided empirical evidence on fairness construct.


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How to Cite

Uppapong, K., Jindatewin, K., Atchavanan, C., & Photchanachan, . S. (2022). A Construct Validation of Organizational Fairness. NIDA Business Journal, (27), 6–27. Retrieved from https://so10.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NIDABJ/article/view/96



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