Earnings Management Through Discretionary Accruals: Evidence From Rehabco Firms In The Stock Exchange Of Thailand
Earning Management, Discretionary Accruals, REHABCO Firms, Modified Jones Model (1995)Abstract
This study aims to investigate trend and size of earnings management and also examines factor influencing earnings management through discretionary accruals of REHABCO firms (firms under rehabilitation process) in the Stock Exchange of Thailand using The Modified Jones Model (1995) from 2011 to 2016 by comparing with Non-REHABCO firms in the similar size and same industry included 44 firms 264 firm-year observation using matched pairs t-test and multiple regression analysis.
The results found that the mean of earnings management of REHABCO firms tend to increase while discretionary accruals is negative and the size of earnings management are statistically significant larger than Non-REHABCO firms. Furthermore, at the 95% confidence level, there is a positive significant relationship between firms under rehabilitation process and earnings management. In addition, factors influencing earnings management through discretionary accruals of REHABCO firms are return on total asset and firm size. The findings revealed that return on total asset and firm size are positively correlated to earnings management while cash flow from operation, audit firm size, and gain on debt restructuring are negatively correlated to earnings management.
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