Learning Management Through Simulation-based for Promoting Industrial Occupation Skills

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Ekkaphan Phacharoen
Somsak Akatimagoo


This research presents the development of the RISDA simulation-based learning model for industrial electronics education. The research methodology begins with a survey of needs from stakeholders based on the requirements of the graduate's competencies, then develops a simulation-based learning and teaching model called the RISDA model. The RISDA model comprises five stages; Recall, Information, Simulation, Discussion, and Assessment. The research tools were constructed, such as teacher manuals of industrial electronics, learning activity plans, simulation-based teaching media, and objective tests. Then, they were used to implement a sample of 20 undergraduate students program in industrial technology at Burapha University. The results showed that 1) the developed instructional package was effective with 76.42/76.08 according to the standard criteria 75/75, 2) learners who had learned using the RISDA model had their satisfaction at a high level (the mean was 4.48). The developed RISDA model can promote learners' competencies in line with 21st-century learning skills and appropriately accommodate workplace needs.

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How to Cite
Phacharoen, E., & Akatimagoo, S. . (2023). Learning Management Through Simulation-based for Promoting Industrial Occupation Skills. Journal of Technical and Engineering Education, 14(3). Retrieved from https://so10.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/FTEJournal/article/view/754


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