Applying Role-Play as an Active Learning Activity to Stimulate English Speaking of Undergraduate Students

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Wachirakiat Baothongchan
Sarawadee Na Nongkhai
Burajt Phoodokmai


Role-play induces positive effects on stimulating English speaking of undergraduate students. This quantitative research was conducted to examine how the role-play influenced to the undergraduate students on English speaking. The population comprised of 158 undergraduate students who enrolled a general English communication course in the second semester of the 2022 academic year at Udon Thani Rajabhat University. Applying the cluster sampling and the lottery method, 76 undergraduate students were selected as samples of this study. A research instrument was an online questionnaire with 10 close-ended questions derived from the five point Likert scale. Data analysis was completed by means of descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation. Results revealed that the role-play as an active learning activity affected to the undergraduate students’ overall satisfaction at the high level (4.18±0.44). Regarding the 10 close-ended questions, the first three items which were the most satisfied by the undergraduate students were respectively reported as follows: (1) the role-play helped the undergraduate students speak English more naturally (4.20±0.64); (2) the role-play promoted the undergraduate students to achieve better articulation (4.20±0.81); and (3) the role-play gave the undergraduate students more comprehension on English speaking (4.19±0.19). The acquired results are useful for developing the general English communication course and as a database for creating other interesting active learning activities in English speaking class.

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How to Cite
Baothongchan, W. ., Na Nongkhai, S. ., & Phoodokmai , B. . . (2023). Applying Role-Play as an Active Learning Activity to Stimulate English Speaking of Undergraduate Students. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning (Online), 4(2), 31–45. retrieved from
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