Problems of Writing a Descriptive Essay for Thai Students

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Phramaha Viradej Japah
Phramaha Rungphet Sri-Utumporn


The present study aimed to problems of writing a descriptive essay for Thai students. Writing essays is a major part of many further education courses. In coursework assignments, dissertations and exams, a well-written essay can make the difference between a pass and a fail, and these essays provide you with the stepping stones that take you towards the degree, qualification and career that you desire. Nothing will expose your uncertainty or lack of knowledge more than a poorly written essay; what Essay Writing Skills does is let you know what is expected of you and how best to go about your research, thus allowing you to get on top of your workload quickly. Essay Writing Skills offers practical and proven ways to maximize your success in all aspects of essay writing. From planning your first essay to assessing primary and secondary sources, it will help you to write in a systematic way that presents a convincing and academically sound argument. A comprehensive guide, it provides guidance and advice on good research techniques, grammar and accuracy, creating an essay plan and correctly citing your sources. It also includes a range of real life example essays and insider knowledge on how your essays are assessed, Essay Writing Skills is an indispensable source of advice, making the writing process clear and manageable to help you improve the quality of your written work.

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How to Cite
Japah , P. V., & Sri-Utumporn, P. R. . (2020). Problems of Writing a Descriptive Essay for Thai Students. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning (Online), 1(3), 1–10. retrieved from