The Roles of Buddhist Monks to Promote Virtues in Managing Chinese Students' Social Networking in Thailand in the digital Era

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Chada Triamvithaya
Li Hang


This article aimed to study the purposes of this research there are (1) To analyze the role of Buddhist monks to promote virtues in managing Chinese students' new social networking in Thailand in the digital Era (2) To study the methods of promoting virtues in managing Chinese students' new social networking in Thailand in the digital Era. The sample of this research there are Chinese students who are residing in Bangkok and surrounding areas. An in-depth data collection method was used to create objective knowledge on social network relationship factors of 200 Chinese students in Thailand. The research instruments were open-ended questionnaire and attitude questionnaire. In descriptive statistics, the description of variables, frequency distribution, percentage, mean (), and standard deviation (S.D.) were analyzed. The research finding that :

  • During the time of the COVID-19 was found that Thai Buddhist monks had the role play as promoting virtues in managing the social networks of Chinese students in Thailand in the digital era.

  • The role of promoting virtues and morality in the digital era of Thai Buddhist monks and Chinese students in Thailand was found that to use encouraging and inspirational sentences when students experience stress and pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The body of knowledge from the research indicates that the Methods of Thai Buddhist monks who are promoting virtues in managing the social Networking of Chinese students in Thailand in the digital era. The research findings that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Thai Buddhist monks played a key role in promoting morality within the social network of Chinese students in Thailand during the digital era. The monks used encouraging phrases and motivational strategies to support students experiencing stress and pressure during this challenging time. The research revealed the methods used by Thai Buddhist monks to promote morality and support the well-being of Chinese students in Thailand's digital age.

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How to Cite
Triamvithaya, C., & Hang, L. (2024). The Roles of Buddhist Monks to Promote Virtues in Managing Chinese Students’ Social Networking in Thailand in the digital Era. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning (Online), 5(1), 60–79. Retrieved from
Research Article


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