From Theory to Practice: A Practical Guide for In-Service Teachers on CLIL Material Development Implemented in English Primary Classrooms

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Phitcharie Koanamsai
Nit Neingnoi


This study investigates the impact of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) workshops on the learning achievements of in-service teachers and the subsequent influence of CLIL kits on student learning outcomes. Seventeen Grade 4 teachers participated in a comprehensive training program focused on CLIL concepts, methodologies, and material development. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered to assess the teachers' knowledge and skills regarding CLIL. Following the training, teachers collaboratively designed CLIL lesson plans and CLIL innovative kits and implemented them in their classrooms. Simultaneously, 114 Grade 4 students participated in activities designed to enhance their potential in English through the use of the CLIL kits. Statistical analyses, including Means and Standard Derivation, were employed to compare pre-test and post-test scores for both teachers and students. Results indicated a statistically significant increase in teachers' learning achievements (p<0.001), suggesting the effectiveness of the CLIL workshops in enhancing their understanding and application of CLIL strategies. Moreover, post-test scores after utilizing CLIL kits in classrooms for students significantly exceeded pre-test scores (p<0.001), highlighting the positive impact of CLIL kits on student learning outcomes. The findings underscore the potential of CLIL methodologies to empower teachers and enrich the learning experiences of students in language-content subjects. This study contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on effective language instruction methodologies and calls for continued integration of CLIL strategies in educational practices in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Koanamsai , P., & Neingnoi , N. (2024). From Theory to Practice: A Practical Guide for In-Service Teachers on CLIL Material Development Implemented in English Primary Classrooms. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning (Online), 5(1), 44–59. retrieved from
Research Article


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