Developing Using Knowledge Skills of The First Year Students’ Early Childhood Education of Faculty of Education Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University by A Training Curriculum for Promote Using Knowledge Skills

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Prakobkul Narkpitak
Phibun Tanyabut
Pannarai Subseandee


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the training curriculum to enhance using knowledge skills for the first-year students those major in Early Childhood Education study at Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University 2) to study its effectiveness. The subjects were 17 the first-year students those major in Early Childhood Education of Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, they were purposively selected. The research instruments comprised of 1) a training curriculum of using knowledge skills for the first-year students those major in Early Childhood Education of Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, 2) A knowledge skills test. The data was statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and t-test (t-test for Dependent Means). The research findings were:

1) The training curriculum of using knowledge skills for the first-year students studying in Early Childhood Education major of Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, consisted of rationale, principles, curriculum objectives, training periods, contents, training activities, learning materials, assessment and evaluation, and curriculum documents, such as training manuals for instructors, and training manual for trainees. The evaluation of curriculum quality in terms of the appropriateness of the curriculum elements showed that the appropriateness of the curriculum was at a high level.

2) The training curriculum effectiveness on subjects’ using knowledge skills after training was higher than before training. Differences were statistically significant at .05, and subjects’ using knowledge skills after training was higher than 80 percent of defined criteria. Differences were statistically significant at .05.

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How to Cite
Narkpitak, P., Tanyabut, P., & Subseandee, P. (2024). Developing Using Knowledge Skills of The First Year Students’ Early Childhood Education of Faculty of Education Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University by A Training Curriculum for Promote Using Knowledge Skills. Journal of Asian Language Teaching and Learning (Online), 5(1), 01–15. retrieved from
Research Article


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