Enhancing Sustainable Branding: How Sustainability Can Drive Thai Business Success
Sustainable Branding, Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), Circular Economy, Triple Bottom Line, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)บทคัดย่อ
This academic article explores the growing significance of sustainable branding as a strategic necessity for enterprises worldwide, emphasizing the context of Thailand. As sustainability increasingly influence consumer preferences and international trade practices, organizations are necessitated to harmonize their operations with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) values. The article examines key drivers behind the shift toward sustainable branding, including the environmental crisis, changing consumer expectations, and the rise of ESG funds. It highlights essential principles such as the Triple Bottom Line, Circular Economy, Stakeholder Theory, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and Brand Equity, which furnish a formidable framework for executing sustainable branding practices that encourage long-term profitability and social responsibility. Through outstanding exemplars of leading Thai companies, including Siam Cement Group and PlanToys. Overall, the academic article illustrates how integrating sustainability into brand strategy can drive innovation, enhance market differentiation, and build consumer trust. Importantly, companies that adopt sustainability not only obtain competitive benefits but also facilitate positive environmental and societal transformation, guaranteeing enduring viability and achievement in the progressively eco-aware global marketplace.
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