The Mediating Role of OCB on the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention of Engineers
organizational citizenship behavior, turnover intention, Japanese subsidiaries, engineers, mediatorAbstract
Recent Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) research has tended to focus on its effective outcomes in both individual and organizational level, and focus on its antecedents, but less often on examining its role as a mediator transferring effects of antecedents to outcomes. Additionally, empirical evidence from previous studies of OCB were often based on a sample group containing a large band of jobs and occupations instead of any specific group in which enable the organization to direct its effort and energy to the right group of their employees to develop OCB. The present study was designed to investigate OCB as a mediator of the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention of Thai engineers. Questionnaire survey were administered to 155 Thai engineers in Japanese subsidiaries throughout the country. The analysis results show that altruism, conscientiousness, and compliance of OCB were perceived by the engineers and two of those dimensions; altruism and conscientiousness also positively related to job satisfaction, organizational commitment whereas showed a negative and significant to turnover intention. The results of the study also verified the proposed mediation model showing that job satisfaction and organizational commitment predict altruism and conscientiousness, which in turn, reduce turnover intention. This study contributes to the literature on turnover by enhancing our understanding in the mechanism that govern job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention relationship. Suggestions for management to retain engineers to the organization through OCB and recommendations for further research are also discussed.
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