Consumer Perception of Healthy Food Experience and Its Influences on Consumer Satisfaction and Engagement Behaviour
Consumer Perception Experience, Consumer Satisfaction, Engagement Behaviour, Purchase IntentionAbstract
Recognising the growing importance of healthiness in healthy eating behaviour, this study examines the role of consumer perception of healthy food experience. To achieve its objectives, this study examined how perceived experience in healthy food influences customer satisfaction, purchase intention, and customer engagement behaviour. A total of 487 valid questionnaires were collected from customers who had consumed KKU1 premium chicken (healthy menu). Structural Equation Modelling was used to test the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that customer satisfaction plays a mediating role in influencing the relationship among consumer perception of healthy food experience, purchase intention, and customer engagement behaviour. Moreover, the results of the study are consistent with the social exchange theory. These findings have significant implications at both theoretical and practical levels for agricultural entrepreneurs and consumers.
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