Predictors of Japanese Interpreters’ Organizational Commitment
organizational commitment, Japanese interpreter, career satisfaction, career commitment, supervisory supportAbstract
This study aims at examining the correlation and influential relationship between career satisfaction, career commitment, supervisory support and organizational commitment based on Meyer and Allen (1991)’s organizational commitment model. The questionnaire survey was administered to both Japanese interpreters working in Japanese subsidiaries and Japanese medical department of private hospitals throughout Thailand. The results of the study indicates that interpreters’ responsibilities can be divided into major roles of translator and interpreters and minor roles of information and document administration, secretary, and customer coordinator respectively. Additionally, the study shows that career satisfaction (r. = .646, p < 0.01), career commitment, (r. = .622, p < 0.01) supervisory support (r. = .433, p < 0.01) are significantly related to organizational commitment. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis demonstrates that organizational commitment of Japanese interpreters is predicted by career commitment (β = .387, p < 0.01), supervisory support (β = .317, p < 0.01) and career satisfaction (β = .234, p < 0.05). The implication of the results to HRM practices in order to enhance organizational commitment of the Japanese interpreters are offered.
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