The Influences of Corporate’s Message Appeal and Electronic Word of Mouth on Consumer Response


  • Boonchai Hongcharu NIDA Business School, National Institute of Development Administration


message appeal, electronic word of mouth, attitude toward the messages, attitude toward the brand, purchase intention, consumer response


Companies attract their consumer’s attention and influence them to make a purchase by different message appeals in their marketing communications campaigns while consumer receive an increasing amount of information from other customers through electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Although there are many studies on both factors separately, none has investigated the interaction between corporate’s message appeal and customer’s eWOM which we often find in daily life. Their effects and interaction should have an impact on customer’s attitudes and purchase intention. An experiment of 2 corporate message appeals X 4 eWOM messages reveals both message appeals and eWOM significantly affect attitudes toward the messages and the brand but
without any interactions of both factors. Purchase intention has completely different results with no main effects but a significant interaction. Discussion and implications on the findings will be provided.


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How to Cite

Hongcharu, B. (2024). The Influences of Corporate’s Message Appeal and Electronic Word of Mouth on Consumer Response. NIDA Business Journal, (22), 130–151. retrieved from



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