Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat <p>Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat<br />ISSN 2822-0870 (Print)<br />ISSN 2822-0889 (Online)<br /><br /><strong>It is published six times a year:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Issue 1 (January-February),<br /></span>Issue 2 (March-April),<br />Issue 3 (May-June),<br />Issue 4 (July-August),<br />Issue 5 (September-October), and<br />Issue 6 (November-December).</p> <p>The journal publishes 12 - 15 articles per issue and it will start from 2025 onwards. <br /><br /><strong>The scope of the journal includes academic works in the following areas:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">- Interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">- Education<br /></span>- Management<br /><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">- Integration of interdisciplinary studies for sustainable local development<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">- Analysis providing solutions to issues affecting local areas, society, and the country</span></p> <p><strong>Article types are divided into two categories:</strong> research articles and academic articles.</p> <p>We accept articles in both Thai and English.</p> <p><strong>Article publication conditions:<br /></strong>Each article will undergo review by a committee comprising at least three qualified individuals. Articles authored externally will be reviewed by one internal and one external expert, or at least two external experts. Articles authored internally will be reviewed by external experts selected by the journal organization, who possess relevant expertise from various institutions and have been approved by the editorial board prior to publication. Review will follow a double-blind peer review format, where reviewers are unaware of the authors' identities, and vice versa. The editorial board reserves the right to withhold article review until it meets the journal's standards. Submitted articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Authors using images or tables from other sources must obtain permission from the copyright holder and provide approval to the editorial board prior to publication. The viewpoints expressed in articles are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or responsibilities of the editorial team.</p> <p><strong>The publication fees are as follows:</strong><br />Research articles/academic articles in Thai: 3,500 THB per article<br />Research articles/academic articles in English: 4,500 THB per article<br />(The article publication fees will be charged for journals submitted to the system from Vol. 3 No. 2 start on 1st April, 2025 onwards.)</p> <p>Instructions of the Payment Process for the Publication Fee of the Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat<br />1. Authors are requested to submit document files via the ThaiJo system, including:<br />1.1 Research articles/academic articles in Word format (1 file)<br />1.2 Article submission form (1 file)<br />For detailed instructions on submitting these documents, please refer to the Instructions for Authors.<br />2. Initial Review and Notification<br />Once the document files are complete, the editorial team will conduct an initial review of the article. If the article meets the journal's requirements and passes the initial review, the journal will notify you to pay the publication fee before the article undergoes further quality assessment.<br />3. Payment Process<br />The publication fee must be transferred via a bank account. Payment instructions and details will be provided by the journal staff. The author will receive payment instructions directly from the journal.</p> <p>Payment Channel<br />The publication fee should be transferred to the following bank account:<br />Account Name: Surindra Rajabhat University<br />Bank Name: Bangkok Bank<br />Account Type: Savings<br />Account Number: 644-0-30330-0</p> <p>After paying the fee, please send proof of payment to the journal system. Include the following information in your email:<br />1) Author's name and surname<br />2) Article title<br />3) Transfer slip</p> <p>Note: All journal publication fees are non-refundable operating fees. If your article is not accepted for publication in the Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat after review by three qualified individuals, the publication fee will not be refunded.</p> th-TH (รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.จิรายุ ทรัพย์สิน) (ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.วันชัย สุขตาม I อาจารย์ ดร.วิจิตรา โพธิสาร) Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 A Study of the Teachings in the Mamuat Ritual of the Thai-Khmer Group in Surin Province that Relate to the Principles of Buddhism <p>Study of the teachings in the Mamuat ritual, a group of Thai-Khmer people in Surin Province, which are related to Buddhist principles The objectives of the study (1) to study the beliefs and Mamuat rituals of Thai-Khmer people in Surin Province (2) to study the teachings in the Mamuat rituals that are related to Buddhist principles. This is a qualitative research with in-depth interviews, observation, and participation in the rituals. The research area is Ban Sala Samakkhi Community, Ban Chob Subdistrict, Sangkha District, Surin Province. The total population is 29 people.</p> <p> The beliefs and Mamuat rituals of Thai-Khmer people have a belief in the power of spirits and giving good and bad things. The overall ritual will have a form, steps, and identity specific to the Thai-Khmer group. It has been preserved and passed down from generation to generation. The ritual plays a role in treating the sick and predicting events, etc. Regarding the teachings in the Mamuat rituals that are related to Buddhist principles, from the analysis of the teachings that appear in the Mamuat ritual, the following teachings were found: (1) Meritorious deeds, making merit, keeping the precepts, and chanting, which are seen in the ritual leader as actions and practices. (2) Gratitude (3) Worship, which appears in the ritual leader and participants, is a practice between the leader and participants. It is expressed in the ritual and the remembrance of good deeds. (4) The principle of three characteristics means the rule of three characteristics, which means the conditions, things that are inherent in all three aggregates: 4.1 Anicca (impermanence), 4.2. Dukkha (suffering characteristics), 4.3 Anatta (non-self characteristics).</p> Yasothara Siriphaprapagon, Suriya Klangrit, Kroekwut Kanthiang, Namfon Channual Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Community Innovation and Sustainable Development Community Action: A Neglected Site of Innovation <p>Creating innovations in sustainable learning is caused by changes in the world society wherewith technology is a driving force for humanity to find and create innovations to adapt to live in to survive. This article aims; to Study the learning method that combines the implementation of community development activities with the creation of innovation in neglected areas.</p> <p> The results of the study found that Hybrid Learning of the people in the area being neglected, having the skills, knowledge, and the ability to access the use of technology to create themselves from learning from home, Community, and Learning center can increase the capacity of the community to adapt Through the conditions of Hybrid Learning resulting in new behaviors from innovation especially technology as the power of response linking and obtaining innovative new forms in a specific area that is virtually visible and accessible to the environment, results in learning all the time.</p> <p><strong> </strong>Suggestions Hybrid learning can capacity for community development by implementing community development activities and creating innovations in every area. Maybe to use developed knowledge at all levels available in every area. that is the foundation’s resource development for people in the nation to have the ability self-reliant from accessing information through integrated learning, using technology to create innovation as a driver in community activities to create learn all the time. People have opportunities and new continually with the changes of the world leading to community citizens for future who can learn anywhere, anytime, for long life to learn sustainability.</p> Suppattarawarisara Ketsoontron, Nakamon Punchakhetthikul, Chartnarongsak Sutamdee Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Study the Role and Methods of Spreading Buddhism During the Time of the Buddha <p>This research study examines the roles and methods of spreading Buddhism during the Buddha's time. The objective is to analyze the roles and propagation methods used in spreading Buddhism during that period, utilizing a document-based study and descriptive analysis.</p> <p> The findings of this research can be summarized as follows: 1)The Role of the Buddha in Spreading Buddhism : After attaining the Supreme Enlightenment (Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi), the Buddha dedicated himself to benefiting and bringing happiness to many people, focusing on helping the world. His propagation of the Dhamma was based on three types of benefits: 1.1 Ditthadhammikattha-benefit: Benefits received in this life, such as performing good deeds and following principles that have immediate positive effects on one's life. 1.2Samparayikattha-benefit: Benefits in the next life, which involve preparing oneself for the afterlife. 1.3Paramatthikattha-benefit: The highest benefit, which is the attainment of enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth (samsara).</p> <p> The Buddha emphasized teaching the Dhamma through the principles of the Threefold Training (Trisikkha),consisting of morality (sila), concentration (samadhi), and wisdom (panna). He considered these principles as essential tools for behavioral development, self-discipline, social responsibility, and intellectual advancement, leading to insight and liberation from ignorance (avijja).Additionally, he taught according to the capacity of each listener, ensuring true understanding. 2)Methods of Propagation Used by the Buddha: The Buddha utilized four primary methods for spreading the Dhamma:2.1 Dialogic Teaching: Engaging in discussions with listeners using questions and answers to foster understanding and faith in Buddhism. 2.2Lecturing*: Delivering teachings in large assemblies consisting of laypeople and monks, focusing on deep explanations of Dhamma principles.2.3Answering Questions: Analyzing and responding to questions in a way that matched their nature, helping questioners to better understand the Dhamma.2.4 Establishing Rules: Setting guidelines and regulations for the monastic community to follow, ensuring orderliness and harmony within the group.3) Methods of Propagation Used by Monks in the Buddha's Time: The monks during the Buddha's time played a crucial role in spreading Buddhism, guided by the Buddha as their leader. Each monk employed unique methods of propagation based on their individual characteristics: 3.1Venerable Sariputta: Focused on dialogic teaching and providing detailed explanations to ensure a thorough understanding of the Dhamma.3.2Venerable Moggallana: Possessed supernatural abilities and used them to attract those with incorrect views to embrace Buddhism.3.3Venerable Mahakassapa: Had a love for solitude and emphasized ascetic practices (dhutanga).</p> Yasothara Siriphaprapagon, Suriya Klangrit, Kroekwut Kanthiang, Namfon Channual Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Development Of Responsible Behavior in Early Childhood Children by Organizing Experiences Learning Through Storytelling Activities with Pictures Nikhomsangtonengprasart 4 School <p>The objectives of this research were: (1) to study responsible behavior of early childhood children; By organizing learning experiences by storytelling activities with pictures Nikhom Sang Ton Eng Prasat 4 School, Kindergarten Year 2, before and after organizing activities of groups that received learning experiences with storytelling activities and (2) comparing responsibilities before school and after school. By organizing learning experiences with storytelling activities with pictures for early childhood children. Kindergarten Year 2, Nikhom Sang Ton Eng Prasat 4 School Research methodology was quasi-experimental research. The sample group included preschool children in Year 2 of Kindergarten who were studying in the second semester at Nikhom Sang Ton Eng Prasat 4 School, Phanom Dong Rak District. Surin Province, 1 classroom with 15 students. The research tools include (1) an experience plan Learning through storytelling activities with pictures (2) 10 stories and (3) observational forms of responsible behavior of early childhood children. Statistics used in data analysis include mean, standard deviation. and t-test (t-test)</p> <p> Major Findings: (1) responsible behavior of early childhood children Kindergarten Year 2, Nikhom Sang Ton Eng Prasat 4 School, before receiving a learning experience with storytelling activities with pictures. Children have overall self-responsibility behavior. and each aspect is at the level A friend/teacher told or asked to cooperate. and after receiving a learning experience with storytelling activities with pictures Children have overall self-responsibility behavior. and each aspect is at the level of being able to practice on their own sometimes. 2) Results of the comparative analysis of the responsibilities of early childhood children Kindergarten 2 level, Nokhom Sang Ton Eng Prasat 4 School, overall and in each aspect, was more than before the activities were organized, with statistical significance at the .01 level.</p> Sunisa Somniyam Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Career Development Methods of the Elderly People in Ban Ron Thong, Ron Thong Sub-District, Satuek District, Buriram Province <p>The purposes of this study were:&nbsp; 1) to examine the demand for careers among the elderly people in Ban Ron Thong, Ron Thong Sub-district, Satuek District, Buriram Province. 2) to present career methods for elderly people in Ban Ron Thong, Ron Thong Sub-district, Satuek District, Buriram Province. The form of this study was qualitative research, and the target group that provided the main information was&nbsp; 50 elderly people. Using a specific interview form collected the data. Including observation and note-taking.&nbsp; To obtain information for analysis. Bringing information that can be collected to analyze, and synthesize various issues in research.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The findings revealed that: 1) the demand for developing careers among the elderly people in Ban Ron Thong, Ron Thong Sub-district, Satuek District, Buriram Province. Most of them needed to develop careers in agriculture. The study applied the royal sufficiency economy philosophy methods to daily life and was interested in developing a career according to the Khok Nong Na Model project or joint plantation. Also in the field of Art and culture, there were methods in dhamma education,&nbsp; listening to the sermon or ordained. To support religions and most of them were elderly people between 56 to 60 years old. Female elderly at Ban Ron Thong, Ron Thong Sub-district, Satuek District, Buriram Province. Needing for commercial development, which studied agriproduct processing methods. Such as Banana Chips, French fries, and Applied arts. There were needlework development methods, weaving Mudmee’s silk, and dressmaking. And most of them were elderly people between 50-60 years old.&nbsp; 2.) career development methods for elderly people in Ban Ron Thong, Ron Thong Sub-district, Satuek District, Buriram Province. It should support the participation in work that allows the community and local administrative organizations to have a role in supporting the employment of elderly people. Because most elderly people live in suburban areas. Therefore,&nbsp; local authorities are better able to reach and acknowledge the needs of the local elderly people than regional authorities. Also, the Central can define career creation methods accompanied by the community that it might be a process of job creation for elderly people. Through the cooperative process, the community enterprise system, and emphasizes the role of local administrative organizations to participate to create more jobs in the community.</p> Chanphat Rattanasaeng, Amornfa Saranburus , Onnusurin Mualtong Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Satisfaction Study of Special Program Students on the Service of the Office of Academic Resource and Information Technology, Surindra Rajabhat University <p>This research aims to 1) study the satisfaction of Special Program Students on the Service of the Office of Academic Resource and Information Technology, Surindra Rajabhat University. 2) compare the satisfaction of special program students classified by gender, year level and faculty and 3) study the problem, obstacles and suggestions. The sample group was 229 special students from Surindra Rajabhat University. The research tool was a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, Content Analysis, Independent t-test and One Way ANOVA.</p> <p> The research results found that</p> <p> The special program students were mostly Female, aged 20-30 years old, third year, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, personal business career, The frequency of using the service 1-2 times per month, most service days are Saturdays, the purpose of use is to research information, the duration of each use of the service is 1-2 hours and the person who uses the service is a friend.</p> <p> The satisfaction of Special Program Students on the Service of the Office of Academic Resource and Information Technology, Surindra Rajabhat University at a high level of satisfaction.</p> <p> Special Program Students from different faculties had different levels of satisfaction. Statistically significant at the .05 level.</p> <p> Problems, Obstacles and Suggestions The most common is There are not enough computers available.</p> Kanokon Singjanusong Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Academic Surindra Rajabhat Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700